You want your money where it would do the most good; in your family

You and your spouse (or partner) have assets worth between one and six million pounds. 

Your assets might include:
Even if you’re widowed, I can help. Even if you’re divorced, I can help.

You’ve worked hard; you’ve made sacrifices

Some heroic, some spectacular and some, we’d rather not talk about.


You haven’t done all that work just to throw it away. Rather, you want your wealth as a foundation from which future generations can build lives of which you’d all be proud.

You want your family, and they alone enjoy the fruit of your life’s work – no departing children-in-law, no long-lost relatives, no girls and boys from the Revenue.

Why wait till you died before your family enjoyed your wealth? Reasons not to wait include taxation – inheritance tax, capital gains tax and income tax.

Let’s keep your money in your family

You want your money where it would do the most good, I can help you keep your money in your family. 

As an estate planner and inheritance tax specialist I help you spell out and control of the who, the what and when of your inheritance. 

As a proud sole practitioner, I only take on a handful of cases a month so that like you, I can invest the care, diligence and attention to keep your money in your family. 

In my extensive inheritance tax experience, I have witnessed the ills that could injure your family’s future financial well-being. I can see round corners, I can see possible problems, so I can help you grind them to dust before they germinate. 

How I work

For want of a less hackneyed phrase: he who fails to plan, plans to fail. 
We want to keep your money in your family, therefore, we shall start with a plan – a plan based on your financial circumstances and your ambitions for your family’s financial future. 

Your estate planning and your inheritance tax planning must be unique to your circumstances; therefore, we’ll start with a blank sheet of paper. 

Every family is unique. I’ve seen thousands of clients with their own facts and circumstances: what’s special is not the facts but the way they interact with one another, and the clients’ emotional circumstances making each assignment one of a kind. 

Your circumstances are unique, therefore, you’ll require a unique plan. Think of it like applying the correct tools from a large toolbox. 

Your plan would press the rules, allowances and exceptions in inheritance tax planning and practice to situation your and ambitions. 

I’ll show you how to avoid the common pitfalls that turn a Rolls Royce to a Mini – and how to avoid those pitfalls. 

When we implement your plan, you’ll be confident your money would stay in your family. 

Let’s keep your money in your family, let’s transmit your wealth down the generations, let’s keep your money in your family forever – that, after all is how the rich stay rich.

ready to begin?

Take the first step and book your three-step plan consultation

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Case study: Alice

In sum, do you care? Do you care who inherits your wealth?

In the long ago, in the days only farmers drove Range Rovers, I was a general financial adviser. I had a client, Alice who had income from two sources: her day job from which she earned a fine wage, and income from an inherited asset. She had been a beneficiary of a well-planned inheritance.

A writer of the Bloomsbury Set had left the rights to one work in her will to Alice’s mother, in the fulness of time, Alice got the rights to the work and the accompanying income – my memory being hardly what it was, I couldn’t tell you of which book we speak, nonetheless, in a bad year, Alice got £30,000 from the rights to this one book back then, £30,000 was a lot of money.

I obviously wasn’t around draw up the inheritance plans of any of the Bloomsbury Set, I was still in prep school when the last of them died.

Alice, because she’d had her basic needs met, because she didn’t have to worry about money, because she was financially secure, was able to do a job she found fulfilling and rewarding: teaching.

In this client visit, I saw the effect of a well-planned estate, thus I set a course to concentrate on estate planning to the exclusion of all else.

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Keep your money in your family

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