What it is

  • A comprehensive planning process that lays the foundation for inter-generational wealth.
  • You’ll get an understanding of what you need to do to protect your family’s wealth.
  • You’ll get a document that details the steps necessary to arrange your assets so your money stays in your family forever – the document would show in plain language the principles and philosophies of estate planning and inheritance tax on which the recommendations to safeguard your wealth are based.

Who it is for

  • Couples who’ve worked hard and wish to protect the fruits of the life’s work for future generations of their family.
  • People who wish to keep as much of their money in their family as the law allows.
  • People who respect themselves and accord such respect to everyone around them.

Why it’s needed

  • To treat securing your wealth for your family with the seriousness it deserves.
  • For want of a less hackneyed phrase, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
  • You can’t achieve your aim of conserving your family’s wealth by chance. You need a plan. We start the process of preserving the fruit of your life’s work with a plan.

When the time is right

  • As an adult, you’re aware of your mortality – you wish to pass your wealth to your descendants in the most secure and tax efficient way.
  • You know the rich remain rich by using the tools available in law to secure their wealth.
  • You know tomorrow is a promise to no one – therefore the soon you start planning, the sooner and easier you’ll attain the goal of preserving your family’s wealth.

What to expect

Step one

A meeting lasting up to one and a half hours at which we shall discus your expectations, desires and ambitions for your family. We’ll talk about where you want future generations of your family and how your legacy can be a foundation for the fulfilment of your ambitions.

We’ll discuss your assets and how to best arrange them to meet your ambitions.

Step two

I do my homework. Research into all matter discussed in step one. Production of a report in everyday English that outlines the items necessary to achieve the objects we discussed in step one. Each one of those items would be costed. It is only at this point can the question: ‘How much is the total cost likely to be?’ be answered sensibly and respectfully.

The report would be delivered about a week before Step Three


Step three

A meeting lasting up to one an a half hours at which we would discuss the findings and recommendations of the report.

From here would decide the pace of the implementation of the plan.

 You continue to write your family’s future financial and social history by implementing your plan. Depending on your circumstances, the implementation of your plan would last up to three months.

Logistical detail


Remote (telephone or video chat)


Two to four weeks plus up to three months for implementation.

Implementation Guidance

You get as much support, explanation as you require.


£499 for the Three-Step Plan plus the cost of implementation of the plan


All payments are in advance

How to get started

As you recognise nothing good comes without a  plan, simply book the Three-Step Plan – and start the process of keeping your money in your family.

find out more

A plan bespoke to you

Your estate planning should be unique to your circumstances, therefore, as we want to create a plan bespoke to you, I start every relationship with a blank sheet of paper. No forms, no kits, no templates.

Stop going around the internet, limping from one half-baked plan to the next.

Do you care who inherits your wealth, what are you doing about it?

No one is completely ignorant of estate planning – nonetheless, at the risk of sounding immodest, I’m the expert.

All taxation is the age-old question of giving Caesar what is Caesar’s – and preserving what’s yours.

We’ll conduct a comprehensive assessment of your family and financial circumstances and we’ll articulate your ambitions for your family’s financial future.