
Is your estate between £750,000 and £5m?

Banish Inheritance Tax

Then you can escape the evil of inheritance tax – speak to an expert inheritance tax planner.a

Do you fear the fruit of your lifes work would be stolen by inheritance tax?

Do you find the rules on inheritance tax confusing, contradictory even illogical?

Are you sick of spending your time on poorly written blog posts, tired of trying to make sense of muddled magazine articles, sick of trying to grasp the point of selfserving newspaper stories?

Do you want your money to stay in your family forever?

Keep the Taxman Away, Easily

Keep the taxman away legally – avoid inheritance tax by creating a plan specific to your family and financial circumstances.

Inheritance Tax Advice

Your Inheritance Tax Expert

A proud sole practitioner, Ive been an estate planner for over three decades, Ive helped some five thousand families with estates of between £750,ooo and £6m preserve their wealth preserve their wealth not just for ten, twenty or thirty years, but preserve their wealth till after the rocks of Gibraltar have crumbled, till after the fires of the sun have burnt out, till the end of time.

Youd be correct in thinking an expert of my skill, knowledge and experience takes on only a handful of cases a month. Youd be correct as I only speak to folk who recognize the prize of keeping their money in their family forever by avoiding inheritance tax in this generation and in future generations.

A full member of the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planners, a master of all the rules, the exemptions and allowances to manage, reduce and eliminate inheritance tax on your estate, I only do work of which I would be proud – work I would be happy to sign my name to.

Avoid Inheritance Tax Easily

The Process Of Preserving Your Family’s Wealth

We shall swiftly determine the size, style and scope of the inheritance tax snakes scheming to steal your familys wealth.
With my experience, in matters of inheritance tax and preserving your family
s wealth, I can see round corners, I can see the threats around the corner, I can steer you away from traps and snares that would create further inheritance tax headaches for your family Ill help you identify everything that can steal your familys inheritance.

Write a Will with Stepchildren

The Next Step

We shall move to the next stage at which we shall craft a complete, comprehensive multiphase plan, an inheritance tax plan to protect your wealth, keep your money in your family and secure your familys future financial prosperity. Heres how


A plan to reduce, even eliminate inheritance tax on your family and protect your familys future financial prosperity.

By my experience, Ill cut £140,000 from your familys inheritance tax bill immediately. Thats just phase one.

As we want to save more than £140,000, we shall proceed to the further phases swiftly.

Depending on your circumstances, implementing your inheritance tax plan would take between two weeks and three months.

On complete implementation of our plan we would have established impenetrable protections for your estate to ensure the fruit of your lifes work stays in your family forever.

Finally, an essential part of your planning would integration of an automatic mechanism by with your plan would adapt to your circumstance.

Starting with a Blank Sheet of Paper

In creating your inheritance tax plan which I shall start with a blank sheet of paper – no forms, no templates, no cut and paste, we shall articulate your situation, outline your objectives and identify all the potential obstacles to your objective.

We shall then identify which of the 425 rules to inheritance tax are relevant to your situation, and Ill explain how to employ them to our quest to keep your inheritance in your family: Ill then produce a foolproof plan to shield your family from the threats wed have identified.

In writing the plan I shall help you understand the philosophies and principles of the solutions to all problems identified, and youll be clear on how they would protect your estate. Well finally implement our plan

Will Trusts
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