Do your debts die with you?

Do your debts die with you?

Dear Ade, Do your debts die with you, or do your debts have to be paid after your death? Thanks, Roger Dear Roger,  Thank you for your missive.Your question marks you as someone who is not a regular reader of this publication.   Your query puts me in...
What’s the Statutory Legacy?

What’s the Statutory Legacy?

I’ve read in the papers that the statutory legacy is being increased to £322,000. What is the statutory legacy and how would the increase affect me? To start at the end, the statutory legacy, increase or no, would only affect the unfortunate, a class from which you’ve...
Will the government abolish Inheritance Tax?

Will the government abolish Inheritance Tax?

A question from a reader about the abolition of inheritance tax Dear Ade, Have you seen the campaign in the Telegraph on abolition of the hated inheritance tax. Do you think the government would abolish inheritance tax – might an electoral surprise be in the works?...
Inheriting ISA

Inheriting ISA

The individual savings account, as you know, is merely a wrapper that could shield investments in stocks and shares on the one hand, and cash on the other, from tax. Many say that the average person does not earn enough from such investments as to be liable to tax on...
PET and Debt

PET and Debt

If I were to gift, say, £50,000 to one of my daughters who, finding she has no immediate use for the money, wishes to lend it back to me, repayable on demand, and at a reasonable rate of interest, would that £50,000…

What does Probate Cost

What does Probate Cost

Many ask what probate costs. I doubt you’ve heard of this John Curry. No matter. Curry, a financial adviser in parts far away was once asked his mission – his retort, swift as a dart, was: ‘teaching, preaching and persuading’. It is in this…

No Malarkey – Extra

No Malarkey – Extra

The year’s almost half gone, but I can only respond to a query when it’s made, so here goes: what were the changes to wills and probate laws in 2022? Video Will Witnessing—you might remember this was some to do brought about by the pandemic—the government...
Free Wills …the Final Insult?

Free Wills …the Final Insult?

A question from a reader about why I don’t offer free wills Dear Ade, What have you got against free wills? You tend to write about them in very strong and caustic language – after all, free wills raise funds for charity. Marti My answer – is free...
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