
Adoption Blended Families and Inheritance

Hello, I was adopted. I’ve just heard of the death of my biological mother. Can I make a claim on her estate? My ex-husband suggests I might under something he calls the 1975 Act. I’ve seen your other writing on blended families. How do adoption blended families and...
Non-Settlor Interested Trusts

Non-Settlor Interested Trusts

Hello, My sister has asked me to contact you. My wife and I are thinking of downsizing. We’re moving from an eight hundred thousand pound five-bedroom house to a £350,000 ground floor flat which we currently rent to tenants. We’ve served notice of termination of...

What’s a Person’s Estate?

Hello,I’ve a simple question, what’s a person’s estate? Many thanks All They Own A person’s estate is simply everything they own. For inheritance tax purposes, one’s estate includes: The value of assets in person’s outright ownership. The value of the persons half...
Accidental Intestacy

Accidental Intestacy

Your question addresses accidental intestacy or partial intestacy. This special class of misfortune could befall people who own land and buildings both in this country and overseas…

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