Protect your wealth for generations

You’ve worked hard all your life, you’ve made sacrifices, some heroic, some spectacular, and some, you’d rather not speak of – to better your family; you haven’t done all that work just to throw it away at the altar of inaction.

Estate planning helps you fulfil that centuries old desire that our children, and every subsequent generation of our family would be better off than we are.

It is more than saving tax even though saving tax is important. 
It is more than writing a will even though writing a will is important.
It is more than taking care of your spouse or partner or children even though passing your wealth to your immediate family is important.

More than the sum of its parts, estate planning more than a collection of tools such as trusts, wills, and inheritance tax planning: estate planning is the art of understanding your family and financial circumstances, and bending the relevant rules, regulations and legislation to the task of keeping your money in your family forever.

You’ll be recognised by your family from the next generation onwards for providing the keys to freedom from the rat race, for freedom to allow them do fulfilling work, be it nursing, teaching, or social work because their material comforts have been taken care of. 

Plan your inheritance

Eliminating your fears

  • Do you fear your wealth would be sacrificed at the altar of divorce settlements?
  • Do you fear the fruit of your life’s work would be swallowed by care bills, stolen by inheritance tax, or chewed up by ineligibility for social security benefits?
  • Do you fear creditors and bullies would bring speculative financial claims against your beneficiaries?

These threats and others can be dissolved, their effects blunted and your wealth protected for generations. You can ensure your money remained in your family, that your family had the use and the benefit of your wealth till the fires of the sun have extinguished themselves.

Ade was wonderful. Very diligent, empathetic, and communicative, and went above and beyond for us.


Keep your money in your family

Get your free copy of the No-nonsense Guide to Keeping Your Money in Your Family: you’ll also get witty and informative articles and essays on keeping your money in your family. It’s packed with illustrations you can understand and relate to.