Intestacy Rules Mean…

We should talk about what intestacy rules mean because there is a big hoo-ha every year. Every summer, you’ll hear

Inheritance Tax Reform?

Ade Oduyemi | Will Writing Blog

The caterwauling about inheritance tax reform was predictable.Didn’t you hear?The Chancellor of the Exchequer wrote to the heads of the

What Happens Without Power of Attorney

The sad tale of the policeman Paul Briggs demonstrates what happens without power of attorney. Generally, Court of Protection cases

Small Gift Exemption to Inheritance Tax

Many don't understand the gifting rules to inheritance tax. Here's a brief guide...

Cost of Updating Your Will

Ade Oduyemi | Will Writing Blog

Zero, the cost of updating your will.

Assisted Suicide and Inheritance

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate, Wills

I'd like to ask about Assisted Suicide and Inheritance. My mother is terminally ill – she has one of those

To Write Your Own Will, Is it Wise?

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

Will writing, can you write your own will, can you write a DIY will? Of course, you can, but… Should

Handling a Bankrupt Beneficiary

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

Q:My brother, after many years building his business was just starting to make money worthy of the sacrifice. And then

Letter of Wishes

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

The Letter of Wishes Imagine you got an invitation to a party, and that the invitation included a map to

Disinheriting Someone

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

Questions on Disinheriting Someone Q I have a question about disinheriting someone.My daughter is a faithful viewer of the TV

Joint Wills and Mutual Wills

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

On my 25th birthday, Lorna Thompson took me to the cinema. We saw Die Hard II. It was the seventh

Where to Store Your Will

Ade Oduyemi | Will and Probate

Keeping Your Will Safe A common query among interviewers of minor talent runs something like: ‘What is the most interesting
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I wrote the book…

Maximum Inheritance

Drawing on my experience as an inheritance tax specialist, I wrote the book on making the most of your inheritance.

Get your free paperback copy of Maximum Inheritance – an easy to read volume of anecdotes and thumbnail sketches of cases I’ve witnessed in my extensive career as an inheritance planner and will draughtsman. It would open your eyes to what to look out for when writing your will and planning your inheritance.

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Keep your money in your family

Get your free copy of the No-nonsense Guide to Keeping Your Money in Your Family: you’ll also get witty and informative articles and essays on keeping your money in your family. It’s packed with illustrations you can understand and relate to.