The following is an email exchange that helps to clarify the fees for my services, and why we don’t offer a list of fixed prices. 

Dear Sirs, 

What are you prices?

I have not found a list of price list on your website. What would is the cost of estate planning?


Dear Patricia, 

The cost of the service you wish is a legitimate query. However, you seem to have been expecting a menu and price list like you would in a cafeteria Those price lists have their place – they are ideal at the local fish and chip shop or even at a bicycle repair shop.

Those menu price lists fine for situations in which you know exactly what you want.  

Professionals & Examinations

A menu-price list structure is asking you do the half the work – it assumes you know exactly what you need. If you could find out exactly your needs, you wouldn’t need a professional.

Like you, when I visit the optician, they, for a fee examine me. After the examination, they would tell me their findings, including any treatment required and how much it would cost. Without the examination, even the most reckless or most experienced eye doctor couldn’t tell the cost of treatment.

The Best

The reason the optician doesn’t display a price list is such lists aren’t useful. It presupposes the patient knows what’s required – if the patient did, they wouldn’t need the optician. And, because the patient is human, the price list asks the patient the  unkind question: ‘Do you want it done well, or do you want it done cheaply?’. 

As my mother always told me and I’m sure yours you: ‘the best is the cheapest’. 

My clients don’t know what they require, and I couldn’t discover their requirements without examining them, I work to a three-step plan in devote the time and attention to examining their situation and discussing . Simply click here to find out more. 

